Our volunteers are a crucial part of our team, we couldn’t operate our Trust without them. We’re always looking for enthusiastic people to join. There are plenty of events to get involved with from surveying rivers for invasive species to planting trees or helping out at events. It’s a great way to learn more about our work, enjoy the great outdoors, keep fit, meet friends and give something back to nature and your community.
A volunteering day with us
Take a look at our video showing what a regular day out volunteering with West Cumbria Rivers Trust looks like, or view our Volunteer Handbook to see what’s involved.
Electrofishing opportunities
We’re particularly looking for new volunteers to get involved with electrofishing during the summer months. This involves surveying fish on rivers with an electrical current which temporarily stuns the fish. It’s perfectly safe and doesn’t do lasting damage to the fish. Find out more about what’s involved from our video and sign up below (ticking ‘Electrofishing’ on your general interests).
“I thoroughly recommend volunteering with WCRT – interesting activities with lovely people”
Volunteer with WCRT
Become a volunteer
If you’d like to volunteer with us please out an application on our Volunteering platform, Better Impact. If you have a particular interest (for example Electrofishing or Toad Patrol), you can tick this as one of your general interests. We have both regular and ad hoc volunteering events within various catchments.
If you have any queries, feel free to email our Volunteer Coordinator Sarah Clarke.
Current volunteers
Please check Better Impact and sign up for upcoming volunteering days.
Corporate volunteering
Consider organising an environmental leave day for your company. It’s great team-building with your staff and you’ll be doing your bit for nature and the local community by getting involved in hands-on conservation work. We can provide a bespoke package to suit the size of your team.
Click the link below to view our leaflet with further details and costs, or email Sarah for more information.
“[It’s] good for mind and body. Volunteering should be on prescription”
“Definitely better than any gym but keeps you fit and strong, happy and gives you lots of lovely friends too”
“The volunteer days give me a way of contributing to my community. I’ve learnt a lot about environmental conservation, and I feel like I’ve done something productive that benefits people and nature.”

Support our work
Without the help of our fantastic supporters, we’d be up the creek!