Corporate Sponsorship
If you’re a local business looking for good causes to support then look no further. We have plenty of ways for you to support our work.
Adopt a beck
Our ‘Adopt a Beck’ scheme aims to encourage local businesses to become ‘guardians’ of their local rivers by investing in river habitat improvements and events that encourage local communities to explore, celebrate and learn more about their river.
Our beautiful rivers and becks in Cumbria are home to wonderful and rare wildlife, we use them for fishing, paddling, or cooling off during the summer. Healthy rivers are crucial for not only supporting wildlife but also for our businesses too, whether that’s through tourism, water supply or providing drinking water for our livestock.
Our dependence on rivers brings with it our impact on them too and all too often they are not the healthy, wild, natural rivers people imagine. We need to work hard to help our rivers recover and revive.
Your company can help deliver real and measurable improvements. Your adopted beck will benefit from full baseline habitat surveys. These surveys will be used to inform and develop a programme of work to improve habitat, reduce diffuse pollution, provide education sessions for local school children and engage local communities to take ownership of their local beck. You and your staff will have lots of opportunities to get involved too, providing you with lots of stories to communicate to your stakeholders.

Interested in joining?
If you’re interested in joining our Adopt a Beck scheme then please get in touch.
Offset your companies environmental impact
You can offset your companies environmental impact and help reduce flood risk to Keswick by supporting our latest exciting project, The Resilient Glenderamackin.
Organise a ‘Green Day’ out for your staff
Why not organise an environmental leave day for your company? It’s a great team-builder and your staff will be smiling inside and out knowing they’ve done their bit for the environment.
Contact Sarah for more information.
Apart from feeling we have made an important contribution to the local community and its natural environment and as well as being an excellent team building opportunity, our volunteering for West Cumbria Rivers Trust has actually been a fantastic networking event.
Spokesperson for CNSL