West Cumbria Rivers Consultancy is the Trust’s consultancy arm. Our experienced ecologists provide expert, independent advice for rivers within our patch, but will consider requests across the North West of England.
“We appreciate the professionalism, resourcefulness, scientific rigour, and passion for improving the environment that your team demonstrate.”
Katherine Owens, United Utilities
Any profits generated by WCRC are donated to the Trust so that we can continue our award-winning work making West Cumbria a better place for people and wildlife. We work with local authorities, landowners, Government agencies like the Environment Agency, and local communities. We offer advice and practical solutions on subjects such as water quality monitoring and fish population surveys.
All practical work prioritises green engineering, which uses natural materials to minimise the impact on the river environment. Here are just some of the ecological services we can provide:
Fisheries and ecological assessments
Electrofishing surveys
Fish passes
Fish rescues
Habitat assessments
River and riparian habitat improvements
River and flood management
River restoration
Soil management
Erosion issues
Land management
Farm business resilience and farm improvements
INNS management
If you are interested in any of these services, please contact us.