Our Impact
Small actions can create big ripples; we work hard every day to make our vision a reality for wildlife, for our community, but also to help build a more sustainable future for our world. Click the button below to download Our Impact brochure.
Our Annual Figures – 2023 in numbers
£4.12 M funding bids secured
35 farms worked on
300+ farmers engaged with
77 advice visits given to farmers
3.7km of bankside fencing
1.6km hedge planted
75m bank protected from erosion
47Ha invasive species treated
14Ha trees planted (13,000 trees!)
2 barriers to fish passage eased
4 new ponds & wetlands created
103 volunteers clocking 4015 hours
57 community events
900 people taking part
3km cleared of litter
1200 school children from 40 schools worked with
250 children attending forest school
30km of river and 40Ha of catchment surveyed
205 sites surveyed for fish population
69km surveyed for invasive species
43 sites surveyed for water quality
Click the button below to download an infographic showing our impact over the last 5 years.

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Without the help of our fantastic supporters, we’d be up the creek!